By Sandi Shaub
Our big, joint event with Schnee Vogeli Ski Club, the Masters Mania, was held on February 29 – March 1 at Skibowl. All-in-all the event was a success! Saturday was slalom day, with Schnee holding their Turkey Slalom. There were 2 full races, totaling 4 runs. It was held in winter conditions on Bill’s Gold with 43 racers participating. Sunday was Skiyente’s Memorial Cup Giant Slalom run from Upper Bowl’s West Wall and finishing on Bill’s Gold. Racers seemed to enjoy it but some did miss the Reynolds Run venue used the past few years. There were 47 racers on Sunday. Weather was beautiful which helped the race finish more quickly than expected.
Saturday night Mardi Gras Gumbo Feed and Prime Rib Dinner was held at The Huckleberry Inn. The house was not quite full, but a generous crowd helped support the Erin Nicole Scholarship Fund to a level never seen before! Thank you, to all who participated. Plexiglas ski wax scrapers were presented as awards by Schnee Vogeli to the lucky winners in each class for both men and women. The Turkey Slalom trophy was won by Julian Jacobson for being the fastest man in the combined races. The Skiyente Cup was presented to Robin White as the fastest woman in the first race, combined times. This is Robin’s second time on the trophy. She won several years ago before she was married as Robin Phillips. She is from the Seattle area.
Sunday awards ceremony was held after completion of Sunday’s race in the Outback Building. We had a very large turnout honoring the families of our Memorial Cup honorees. Our five honorees were: Phil Ringle, George Alfsen, Jozsi Kabdebo, Juli Dobson and Terry Walter. Three families were represented and each provided a bit of information about their loved one. Carol Alfsen sent a very nice note of appreciation, which was read. Skiyente presented huckleberry jam, syrup and Memorial Cup pints as prizes to winners of each category. The Memorial Cup plaque was presented to Ken Park as the fastest racer of the day. Ken is a local racer and also won the Cup last year! Both the Skiyente Cup and the Memorial Cup are currently being engraved with the updates. When finished, they will be housed at the Mt. Hood Museum in Skiyente’s trophy case.
This Masters Race continues to be the only one held on Mt. Hood. Racer participation was about average, Schnee volunteer participation was high, Skiyente’s – not so much. For those who did help out, we thank you very much. Profits were down significantly from last year for several reasons: race fees were not increased as had been planned/requested, USSA expenses were up significantly because of new regulations, racer participation was down from last year because the race was not the finals. The Masters Mania Committee did an excellent job keeping hill fees and expenses lower this year than in the past. It appears, before all final numbers are in, each Club did make a modest profit.
As in all years, evaluation will be done to determine if the event will continue and what changes might be able to be made to make it more effective. President Sally has recommended there be a committee formed to work over the summer on brainstorming ideas and evaluating the event. For the race to continue, we will need members to step up and learn the required leadership roles. If you are interested in participating, please contact Prez Sally.
Above left: Memorial Cup winner, Ken Park, is flanked by family members. Janet Fredrickson-Bauer, Derek Hoenisch, SkiTek Alumni Coordinator, Jozsi’s “family” and Charlie Dobson, Juli’s husband. Above right: Robin White, winner of the Skiyente Cup and Julian Jacobson, winner of the Turkey Slalom. Photos courtesy Diane Hicks