Top Ten Ways to Cope in the Ski- and Board-less Days Ahead
By Barb Pressentin
Avoid Isolation. Keep in touch with friends and family virtually.
Self-care. Build up immune system. Get physically and mentally strong. Repair any injuries and rebuild up resistance. Vitamin D and C!
Humor and Hope. We have to laugh and see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Gratitude for what we have. Look round, roof over your head? Pets? TV/Cable? Modern conveniences like delivery services.
Mother Nature and our natural beauty of which all of us living in Portland area are truly blessed to have outside our doors.
Journaling, writing a time to reflect and plan a new road path write it out!
Music, dance and singing. When all organized events are cancelled we can still rely on music to lift our spirits and singing out loud just enough to embarrass your kids or grandkids or whomever you reside with.
Of course Netflix and chill (think what a baby boom it’ll be next December!)
Get out the yoga mats and indoor/outdoor “dryland” training circuits again get strong inside and out.
Become a better person! In your household, neighborhood, in our community. Let’s band together to help others. Driving food to our seniors, sharing our own stories of what we are doing to cope and manage and self-rely and call and stay in touch with each other!
Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Active
By Editor Lynn Weigand, Certified Personal Trainer
It might be tempting to curl up on the couch and binge watch everything in your Netflix or Hulu queue, but it’s important to take care of ourselves, mentally, emotionally and physically. As a personal trainer, I wanted to offer some suggestions and support to help you get moving.
Get outside. It’s still allowed to go out for fresh air and exercise while maintaining a proper social distance. Take a walk, enjoy the spring flowering bulbs and trees, turn your face to the sun (or rain) and enjoy the season.
Get strong: Set up a home gym (see mine in the photo at right) with what you have or do body weight exercises. Think junior high PE classes: jumping jacks, windmills, pushups, sit ups, etc.
Get moving: Crank up the music and dance around the living room – or wherever you are!
If you need motivation or ideas, look for on-line workouts. Just search for what you are looking for, e.g. indoor cardio workout, or 15-minute ab workout and get started! Also, check out the websites of local private gyms and dance studios. Many are offering on-line courses either to download or in real time. Many are free; others are charging a nominal fee or sliding scale rate to help them stay in business while their studios are closed.